Safe Strategies in Betting or Another Fairy Tale

Betting is an area of ​​activity that involves many myths. So, many users believe in the existence of an ideal algorithm that will allow them to make a 100% profit using a bet.

At the same time, players are offered many options that supposedly help to achieve such a result. However, experienced users know that win-win bets are impossible. So, a better can create an accurate strategy, built on their own experience and careful analysis, but it cannot be guaranteed to be victorious.

Why is there no win-win bets?

To verify the veracity of such a statement, it is enough to consider the specifics of any betting company. Obviously, no organization will work at a loss. It is for this reason that there is a margin — a certain percentage that is withdrawn from the player during the betting process.

At the same time, it is already insignificant whether the client’s call passed. This amount is automatically charged regardless of the outcome of the forecast. It should be understood that the bookmaker business is a fairly developed area. For this reason, any company operates in a highly competitive environment.

Another logical conclusion comes out of this situation — offices simply cannot use too much margin. Otherwise, their services will not attract customers. Therefore, this percentage cannot provide maximum profit.

The bookmaker receives more money precisely due to the fact that each client makes a series of both successful and failed calls. Therefore, if an ideal betting algorithm existed, it would lead all offices to bankruptcy.

A simple conclusion suggests itself from this logical chain — any activity related to betting can bring a player a major victory or a serious defeat. Ideal approaches do not exist, since it is impossible to predict the outcome of the event.

Reasons why a win-win forecast is impossible

To understand this issue, you must also consider in detail the nature of the sporting events themselves. After all, the outcome of any meeting depends on a number of factors. So, the following indicators can be of importance:

  • Team statistics in the standings, as well as the results of previous games. Despite the fact that such data is quite clear, they also do not guarantee a 100% forecast. After all, the team’s game level can always change dramatically both in the positive and negative directions.
  • The level of motivation of the players, which depends on a number of factors.
  • The physical condition of each team member.
  • The presence of penal cards, injured participants, etc.
  • The strategy chosen by the team to participate in the championship, the level of teamwork of its participants.

In addition, the unexpected outcome of one of the players may have an impact on the outcome of the meeting. Thus, the result is influenced by too many factors, not all of which are objective. For this reason, the likelihood of an accurate forecast is unlikely.

Buying strategies from professional cappers

One of the most popular solutions is the purchase of a ready-made strategy that privateers offer. Such users position themselves as experienced professionals who are versed in a particular sport. So, during important sports tournaments, they post special algorithms on the network according to which players are invited to bet.

At the same time, 100% efficiency of such a method is promised. As arguments in favor of this decision, privateers often cite the following evidence:

  • Ticket screenshots of perfect bets, on which only winning entries are marked. However, some bookmakers allow you to delete individual forecasts from the archive, so creating such a perfect line is easy. Moreover, an ordinary PC user can fake a ticket. For this reason, such arguments cannot be considered convincing evidence of marque competence.
  • Positive reviews. Often such network entrepreneurs create entire sites or channels on social networks, an important component of which is a section with good responses. As a rule, comments contain grateful reviews and descriptions of dizzying victories using the acquired strategy. However, any sane player should understand how easy it is to fake such feedback. For this reason, such a marque tool is also not convincing.
  • Hints of possession of classified information regarding a sports match. Unclean privateers often write in their reviews that they receive predictions for the match from special sources. These arguments are based on hints that the outcome of the event is predetermined. However, you need to understand that important tournaments are held in accordance with strict regulations. In addition, large clubs highly value their own reputation. For this reason, the likelihood of bribery is minimal.

Thus, the proposals of privateers are based on unconvincing arguments that cannot be taken seriously. From the above, we can make a simple conclusion that such a tool for creating a win-win betting strategy is not very effective. The main audience of such entrepreneurs are inexperienced players who are simply not confident in their abilities. Meanwhile, avid users prefer to create their own action algorithms. The basis for such tactics is experience, knowledge of the chosen sport and consideration of the main factors that influence the outcome.

Why not use cappers?

The effectiveness of this method is a common myth. Such controversial assumptions arise constantly, however, they are not worth the attention of the players. It is also worth noting that privateers offer to buy ready-made strategies, and the cost of the program can vary significantly. Some users spend a lot of money on the purchase of the program, and then remain with nothing. A more logical and rational solution would be to invest these funds in the rate budget.

Some users note that individual privateers are ready to provide an action program for free. However, the advantage of such offers is only visibility. Indeed, in this case, the expert’s activity is sponsored by someone else, for example, the bookmaker himself. Such tactics are used to expand the customer base and create excitement before a sporting event.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons why you should not rely on win-win rates from privateers. These include the following:

  • The absence of any real guarantees that would confirm the effectiveness of marque services. Information about the vast experience and skill set cannot be called a convincing argument. In this case, in case of failure, the player will not be able to bring marque to justice. Thus, the imaginary expert does not risk anything.
  • The inability to obtain their own experience. It has long been proven that experienced players often make accurate and effective predictions. Active betting allows you to objectively evaluate the profitability of the bet and the likelihood of one or another outcome. However, when buying a ready-made strategy, the user cannot gain useful skills. Thus, the profitability of this approach is doubtful.
  • Additional expenses that do not contribute to an increase in the budget. The effectiveness of such costs is doubtful, and the loss-making is obvious.

Thus, the use of ideal algorithms from privateers has a more profitable alternative. It involves the development of its own tactics, the receipt of which is possible only through trial and error. The development of analysis skills will render the user a great service and will allow to increase your budget, as well as reduce the number of failed calls.

The main signs of fraudulent schemes

Most of the offers from privateers are in fact the machinations of fraudsters. With the help of such schemes, they get quite a big profit using gullible fans. However, their work is often carried out according to a similar algorithm. So, there are several signs that indicate the doubtfulness of the proposal. These include the following factors:

  • Clapper claims that his scheme is a win-win. Players should understand that it is impossible to guarantee a win. But the expert’s words that his algorithm will help to increase the number of victories are closer to the truth.
  • Proposals for the provision of services with payment “after”. In this case, the calculation of the marque is quite simple — if his assumption is correct and the bid made on the advice passes, the client will definitely return. Accordingly, the player will want to get another valuable hint and pay for the previous one. At the same time, the marque system can be based on ordinary, unreasonable assumptions, and setting a bet will be a matter of chance. When the user understands the error of the algorithm, it will be too late since the money has already been transferred.
  • Providing a strategy that is markedly illogical. In this case, privateers often refer to the possession of secret information about the predetermined outcome of the match. The purpose of this one is to create the right impression and get paid.
  • Promises of a rapid increase in the bank at times. If a privateer says that the player’s budget will increase within a few days, you should not take his proposals seriously.

In any case, the user should rely primarily on their own strengths. Indeed, beautiful, credible privateer sites often turn out to be “one-day”, disappearing after fraudsters complete their task.

Using reviews from professional experts

Many players prefer to reinforce their chosen strategy with information from professional experts. So, some analysts promise win-win predictions on the outcome of the match. As a rule, such experts really have the skills and knowledge in the chosen sport. They are also often active in this field with a recognizable name.

These features distinguish them from ordinary privateers. So, the proposed forecasts are really based on a detailed analysis of the upcoming event. As a rule, experts publish a detailed review of the upcoming match, which ends with predicting its result.

In this case, the analyst names the reasons for the choice. The player can only conclude on the proposed information. Of course, such professional reviews look much more logical and convincing than strategies from network privateers. However, this does not guarantee a win-win algorithm.

To confirm this idea, it is enough to conduct a simple experiment — before the important stage of the tournament, read the reviews from eminent experts. In this case, it is worth choosing several sources from truly experienced and knowledgeable analysts. After reading the articles, the player will be convinced that the professionals in their field do not come to a single conclusion. At the same time, the arguments used in the review remain convincing. However, the forecasts will still be different, due to the human factor.

In addition, it is worthwhile to understand that an experienced player can have no less experience and knowledge in your favorite sport. Accordingly, his own forecasts may be more accurate and effective.

For this reason, you should not depreciate your capabilities, blindly trusting eminent analysts. Of course, the use of expert reviews in the design of the program will not be superfluous. This will make it possible to make more accurate forecasts, but is not a guarantee of a win-win strategy.

Such an opinion is another myth that benefits analysts who publish reviews before important sporting events. Therefore, players should not have too high hopes for such forecasts. There is indeed some benefit from this approach, but it is not a panacea.

Strategies that maximize your chance of winning

However, it should be understood that there are action algorithms that will allow you to get as close as possible to win-win rates. It is important to remain realistic, as a 100% guarantee is not possible. However, the use of such methods will allow for more accurate forecasts.

Typically, such methods take into account the statistics listed above, but are not based on them. The basis for such strategies is mathematical calculation and probability theory.

By this principle, many strategies have been built, the effectiveness of which is proved by the example of experienced users. So, the simplest example is the use of a strategy consisting of several bets on one championship. Such methods are often used in approaches associated with determining the favorite of the event.

At the same time, it is important to choose suitable odds that will cover the costs of unsuccessful bets. As a result, the player in any case remains in the black.

Consider the effect of this strategy on a simple example. So, the user can make three bets with odds of 3.5, 5 and 8. At the same time, the size of calls will be 20, 10 and 5 dollars, respectively. As a result, in case of winning one of the calls, the better makes a profit.

The probability of failure when using such methods is rather small, but it still exists. For example, a player may not pass any of the selected bets. To eliminate this possibility, it is nevertheless necessary to monitor statistics in order to more accurately determine the potential of the selected players.

Other strategies you can use

Also a popular strategy is to use a particular bank, divided into several parts. With it, the player spends a number of bets. Moreover, if the call turned out to be winning, it raises the amount by one more unit. If this time the better was not lucky, the sum of the call remains the same.

This approach allows you to make a profit equal to one unit. Therefore, in order for the profit from the algorithm to be tangible, it is worth using rather high rates. In addition, the selected factors are of great importance, which should not only cover expenses, but also allow to remain in the gain.

It is worth noting that a huge number of such strategies are used. The user can find a suitable option for himself, having tried them on their own experience. So, among the interesting algorithms, it is also worth highlighting the use of win-win expresses:

  • This method is also known as horizontal strategy. For its implementation, the user needs a bank divided into several parts. However, the amounts do not have to be the same. However, the maximum approach should not exceed the minimum more than three times.
  • After that, the player is left to affix these parts on the ordinar. It is advisable to choose a sport in which there is certain knowledge.
  • The further principle of the algorithm is quite simple — in case of a pass of the bet, this amount, together with the initial deposit, is transferred to the next event.

Thus, the player collects the express, which is extended in time. Sometimes the use of one bank lasts for several days. If the call fails, the better simply creates a new express using the amount used at the previous bet.

After all the components of the express have been completed, you can start a new round. In this case, the player independently determines the number of stages that will be convenient for him. It is believed that when using maximum odds, 3 events are sufficient. If the better has stopped at the minimum indicators, it is worth increasing the number of calls to 5.

In addition, the rising bid strategy is interesting. This method is based on simple financial calculation. However, for its implementation, the player will need a fairly large bank. The essence of the strategy is to make each subsequent call more so as to cover the previous mistake and still make a profit.

This scheme is based on probability theory. If there is at least minimal knowledge about the chosen sport, the better will not be able to constantly make mistakes. Sooner or later, one of the selected bets will pass and block previous waste. It is believed that the more knowledge a user has, the sooner this moment will come.

For example, better bets of $5000 dollars by a factor of 1.8. However, it is unsuccessful. In this case, he needs to make a new call, which will cover the initial amount and potential earnings — that is, 9,000 dollars. To do this, it is enough to make a forecast for 10000 with odds of 1.9. If it turns out to be correct, the player will have 19,000 in his arms, of which 4,000 is net profit.

Conclusions on Ideal Betting Strategies

The article discusses the main strategies that users consider as the most profitable and effective. Moreover, it is obvious that they are faulty. Each of the options has a number of undeniable advantages, but there are also disadvantages. From this we can make a simple conclusion — holding win-win bets is impossible. Otherwise, the business of bookmakers would have long demonstrated their insolvency.

Each player experiences a series of wins or losses that replace each other. This sequence is explained by probability theory. For this reason, it is important to evaluate your actions soberly. So, a series of unsuccessful visits does not mean that the player finally missed his luck, since everyone has such periods.

Using system errors

Some users are looking for ways to make win-win predictions without using mathematical calculations. In this case, the usual system error made by the bookmaker is used. It is worth noting that such cases occur much more often than it seems.

In this case, we are talking about visits made in the “live” mode. In such a situation, the adjustment of the event indicator board (time of the meeting, score, odds) is carried out not by a computer, but by people. Therefore, the human factor is triggered, since no employee can do their job perfectly. The most common cases include the following:

  • The possibility of betting on an event that has already ended (accordingly, its outcome is known).
  • A sharp increase in the odds, which can increase by 7-10 times without objective reasons.
  • Accounting for a goal on the wrong side of the match, which affects the performance of the event.

The principle of using system errors can be considered on the example of a volleyball match in which the first team loses with a score of 22:23. In this case, the bookmaker will offer customers approximately the following indicators — 1.7 and 2.1

Assume that the winning team scores the next goal, however, it is mistakenly counted to the first participant. In this case, there will be a sharp change in the odds, for example, to 1.3 and 3.2

Then the user can only quickly place a bet before the error is noticed and corrected. As a rule, a better has no more than 20 seconds. So, the user calls on the victory of the second team with odds of 3.2. After fixing the error, these indicators are likely to change as follows — 3.5 and 1.3. In this case, the client can simply leave it as it is, so that after the end of the match to receive a win with odds of 3.2.

However, some users prefer to play it safe and use an arb. In this case, the better in any case receives a win with high odds, which cover all expenses. In order to use the system error method, it is enough to adhere to a few simple tips. So, the best option for such bets will be sports in which a large number of balls are hammered, for example, volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, etc.

In addition, it is important to use your own source, which will allow you to observe the development of the event — broadcast on television or on the Internet. At the same time, you should not watch the match on the bookmaker portal itself. So, quite often there are small malfunctions in the broadcast, due to which the players have the opportunity to use the system error method.

In some cases there are delays due to which the match is still ongoing on the shop website, but in fact it is already over. The user can take advantage of this situation by making a bet, the outcome of which he will be sure.

The principle of betting on sports events

Despite the fact that every bookmaker tries beneficial to stand out against the competition, the principle of the forecasts remains the same. So, the user relies on a specific outcome of a sporting event, which seems most likely to him.

The winning amount is determined by the odds. This indicator is chosen by the bookmaker. For this reason, the odds for one sporting event on different portals can vary significantly. This indicator displays how the bookmaker evaluates the probability of an outcome.

For this reason, the following simple principle works in this area — the unlikely outcome gets the highest ratio. In case of a winning bet, the amount used will increase at the indicated rate. In addition, the work of bookmakers is distinguished by the following features:

  • Establishments have a certain specialization in specific types of sports. These options are distinguished by a carefully painted line. For this reason, it is more logical for fans of a particular sport to choose a bookmaker specializing in it. Such a solution will provide a large selection of forecasts.
  • Each shop develops its own policy regarding minimum rates and margins. These features also need to be considered when planning your budget.
  • Some establishments offer additional services, such as bet insurance or the possibility of buying a profitable entry from another user. Proper use of such opportunities will also improve the chosen strategy.

Thus, when creating an action algorithm, it is necessary not only to analyze the features of the selected event. Of great importance is accurate financial calculation. However, many users consider this approach incomplete, preferring to resort to additional tools to increase earnings.

In particular, there are a number of methods that players use to make win-win bets. To evaluate their effectiveness, you need to consider the main options in more detail. However, it is worth considering a simple idea that succinctly describes such proposals. So, if the win-win algorithms were in fact so effective, all the major bookmakers would have long gone bankrupt.

Why not put too high hopes on reviews from experts?

Of course, reviews from eminent experts are considered more transparent and reliable options compared to the services of ordinary privateers. However, this issue has its pitfalls. So, some bookmakers sign partnership contracts with well-known analysts, within the framework of which reviews are conducted.

Of course, no institution will use a loss-making policy for him. Using this approach allows the shop to attract the interest of potential players. However, even forecasts from the most experienced experts cannot give a 100% result. Thus, the average effectiveness of reviews issued during tournaments ranges from 30-40%. At the same time, the effectiveness of analysts who are considered the best in their field is evaluated.

You can also highlight other factors that prove that the use of professional reviews is not a guarantee of victory. Among these arguments, it is worth noting the following:

  • Even a carefully designed and thought out strategy is not a win-win, because there is always the possibility of unforeseen situations. Let’s say the analyst’s forecast regarding the team’s game turned out to be accurate. However, at any time, a key player can get injured, which will fundamentally change the balance of power. This thought once again confirms the absence of error-free strategies.
  • Despite the experience and knowledge, experts still remain ordinary people. It is worth considering that such analysts are often real fans of their field, who love sports. Of course, in this case, a person has preferences that can affect the objectivity of judgments. Even if the expert chose a favorite for himself for a number of objective reasons, this opinion may interfere with making an accurate forecast in a controversial situation.
  • The history of sports remembers many cases when a team considered an outsider of the confrontation made a real breakthrough. Of course, such an outcome often contradicts forecasts from experts. The reason for this discrepancy is a number of psychological factors that are difficult to give a clear analysis. So, the level of motivation acting on each side can affect the results of a match.

From the above arguments, a simple conclusion can be made — reviews from sports analysts are also not a universal method that will lead the player to victory.

Factors That Affect Bid Performance

The lack of a win-win algorithm for betting on sporting events is explained by a large number of factors that affect the result. Moreover, not all components are objective in nature, therefore, they may not lend themselves to logical analysis. So, drawing up tactics for approaches is considered a complex and time-consuming process, including a number of tasks.

To develop a clear and competent strategy, the user should pay attention to the following significant factors:

  • The position of the selected team in the standings, the number of points, as well as the results of past meetings. The more matches are used for analysis, the more accurate the result.
  • The general strategy of the club, its strengths and weaknesses. When developing this component, you can take information from competent reviews, but you should not consider it as the ultimate truth.
  • The presence of injured members of the club who are considered key participants in the team’s strategy.
  • The composition of the team, key players, as well as reserve athletes.
  • Level of motivation. This factor can have a significant impact. So, it is worth considering that the location in the standings determines the quality of the game. If the club understands that it does not have the opportunity to change the balance of power, there is no motivation.

Moreover, it is worthwhile to conduct such an analysis in relation to both sides of the meeting. This approach will allow a sober assessment of the potential teams.

When preparing a strategy, you can use a number of sources, such as interviews, game statistics, the latest club news, etc. After that, you can go to the financial side of the analysis. In particular, it is worth considering your capabilities and the size of the initial budget. Just before the start of the match, you should evaluate the size of the proposed odds.

At the same time, it is more reasonable to consider offers from several bookmakers to make a profitable bet. The most profitable method is the development of an express, which consists of several approaches. In this case, the winning size will be maximum. However, it should be borne in mind that the probability of losing significantly increases. This method should be used only by experienced users who are confident in their own abilities.

Clear Leader Calls

Among the players, the myth has spread that visits to obvious meeting leaders are considered an ineffective solution. Users find this approach too obvious. In addition, fans are not attracted to low odds from bookmakers. After all, offices rarely offer high rates for a team that is considered a clear favorite.

So, losing a leader creates a real resonance among the fans. A good example is the tactics of “Barcelona”, which gives them almost 100% number of victories. For this reason, the failure of the team at the match causes a whole range of emotions among the fans.

However, when drawing up an action strategy, it is worthwhile to understand that such reasoning is too general and categorical. Visits to obvious favorites or outsiders can have the same effectiveness — it all depends on the characteristics of the situation.

For this reason, it is worth approaching the evaluation of the profitability of each bet carefully. The decision to follow the path of greatest resistance does not always give the desired result. Indeed, in some situations, a greater result will provide a run against the leader. In this case, the player has a positive handicap bet. At the same time, visits to the favorite give a small but regular profit.

Bet on a team based on motivation

When drafting a strategy, some users attach too much importance to team motivation. This situation can be analyzed using a simple example — at the final stage of the tournament, an outsider and a club meets in the middle of the list. In this case, the high odds from the bookmaker often receive the first side.

In this case, the following logic is used — the outsider needs more victory in the match, respectively, more effort will be applied. Thus, the motivation of this side becomes a determining factor in determining the odds.

Many players consider such a scheme to be quite working. However, one should not forget that the club was in the last rows for a certain reason. This situation indicates that the team has a poor level of play. Consequently, it is unlikely to make a worthy competition to the participant from the middle of the list.

Some players may object, arguing that the leading side does not make sense to give all the best. However, fans do not take into account the importance of motivation that is created within the club. So, for scored goals, participants can get extra money. In addition, the influence of professional pride and desire to please fans remains.

Therefore, a truly good player is unlikely to watch the game from the outside. Moreover, the stress factor, which acted on the club at the moment when its position has not yet been resolved, goes away. From the above, we can conclude that motivation is a factor that can hardly be clearly analyzed. For this reason, it is convenient for bookmakers when determining odds, but it is not a reliable basis for the user’s strategy.

Approaches to growing odds

Many users prefer to conduct calls in the “live” mode. This method is considered convenient, since it allows you to quickly respond to every change in the odds. Indeed, with a competent approach, such a solution helps to get a profit. However, this option is also not perfect.

Careful tracking of all changes in the odds does not insure the player from a possible failure. So, many customers prefer to make calls when there is an increase in odds. In such a situation, it seems that the bookmaker “knows something.” Moreover, in the heat of the moment the player can bet a fairly large amount.

Unfortunately, this decision is often regretted. After all, the institution is also not an objective analyst. No one can predict the outcome of the match, so the appointment of indicators is just an assumption.

Moreover, the growth rate is not always caused by the decision of the bookmaker. Sometimes this trend is created by the players themselves. After all, the number and size of bets also affect the final indicator. However, this does not mean that most users are right.

Using the Rising Bet Method

Some players plan to use forecasts as a serious way to earn money. For this reason, they are ready to make large investments. In this case, more important in the preparation of the strategy is not the assessment of a sporting event, but financial calculation.

The meaning of this tactic is to increase each subsequent bid so that it overlaps previous expenses and makes a profit. You can understand the operation of this method using a simple example.

Suppose a user bet 5000 on the victory of a certain club with odds of 1.8. However, his hopes were not realized, and the call was lost. In this case, he needs to make the next bet. Moreover, its size should overlap the previous action and the size of the odds — 5000 and 4000 dollars, respectively.

Thus, the next bet should be 10,000 with odds of 1.9. Let’s say the call was successful. In this case, the winning amount will be 19,000. This amount covers previous expenses and leaves the user 4000 net profit, which can be used for further forecasts.

To many players, such a scheme seems flawless. However, there are several significant drawbacks to this option. These include the following disadvantages:

  • There is always a chance of losing. A series of failures can occur, as a result of which the budget will be reset. This probability once again suggests that there are no perfect betting strategies.
  • The need for large investments. In order for the tactics to be justified, the client needs to do each subsequent call much more than the previous one. However, not all players have the opportunity to use such amounts. Moreover, no one knows at what point the strategy will start to pay off. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the exact amount needed to make a profit.
  • The presence of a limit on bets from the bookmaker. Most institutions prefer to set a certain number of visits that the player can make during the day. Such restrictions may interfere with recouping on time.

Thus, the use of rising rates would be a win-win strategy only if two conditions are met — the player’s budget is unlimited and the number of forecasts. However, in practice this is not possible.

Application of the even and odd scheme

When using this method, the user plays on two outcomes of the total. This option is not suitable for every sport. It can be tested in hockey, football and tennis. However, basketball is considered the best solution in this case. To apply the strategy, you must perform the following steps:

  • Decide on a bookmaker that offers the most favorable odds for a sporting event. The optimal spectrum is 1.85-1.98.
  • Divide the budget into several parts.
  • Go to the first total.
  • For example, a user bets $100 that the first half of the meeting will end with an even account. If the bet fails, the next call is made in the same way. However, in this case, the amount must be increased to $200 to compensate for the loss. Thus, during a basketball game, a player can win 4 times.

This scheme attracts fans with its simplicity. However, it is not a guarantee of success. This technique can be used by novice players who need to understand the very principle of betting. It should be understood that the odd and even algorithm will not allow the user to receive large wins. Moreover, bookmakers rarely give sufficiently high odds for such totals.

In addition, the strategy has a number of other disadvantages. The main thing is the influence of the case — the outcome is quite likely, in which none of the perfect forecasts will play. In this case, the user will have to move to another match and raise bets again. Thus, the end does not justify the means.

Also, the probability of changing the odds is always preserved, which will not benefit the chosen strategy. Using the even and odd principle, a player can make a small profit, but quickly losing all the balance in this case is quite simple.

Using the “Both Teams Score” Algorithm

As part of sports betting, there is another myth. According to him, betting on the principle of “both participants will score” is a win-win option. An important nuance is the choice of a suitable sport. It is believed that this decision applies only to hockey.

In fact, in such tournaments there are rare cases when one of the teams wins “dry”. In particular, this trend applies to clubs that show good results. The principle of such an algorithm is quite simple — the user makes a prediction that during the meeting each side will score at least one goal. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • Avoid betting on events in which an explicit favorite and an outsider meet.
  • Do not make chaotic visits and evaluate the previous results of the participants.
  • Prefer matches of teams that have an approximately equal balance of power.

Many players find this approach ideal. However, the use of the “both teams will score” system has one significant drawback. It is in low ratios. So, bookmakers are well aware that the likelihood of such an outcome is high. For this reason, indicators for such matches rarely exceed the mark of 1.3. According to statistics, within the NHL for every 10 meetings there are only 1-2 “dry” victories. Moreover, this information is not a secret for the bookmaker.

Thus, the profitability of such a method is doubtful. It is possible only if expresses are used. In this case, the line must include at least 3 components. Of course, the probability of losing significantly increases. For this reason, the “both teams will score” scheme can be of some benefit. However, it cannot be called impeccable and most effective.

The effect of variance on the outcome of a sporting event

Dispersion — the scatter of values ​​or results.

Match betting, like any other predictions, is based on probability theory. Based on this principle, the estimated outcome of the event is calculated. For this reason, some players believe that an accurate mathematical calculation will allow them to make an effective approach.

Of course, probability theory affects the outcome of a meeting. However, using it to place a bet is a pretty useless idea. The reason for this trend is the effect of dispersion. This phenomenon is present in any sporting event. You can consider its effect on a simple example.

To do this, just remember the game “heads and tails ”. According to probability theory, the possibility of one side falling out is 50% or ½. Thus, the tails should fall out once with two throws.

However, each of us understands that in fact compliance with such a principle is unlikely. So, when tossing a coin, an eagle may well fall 5 times in a row. This result is the effect of dispersion. After all, the exact probability of an event can be calculated only if it is repeated endlessly. Accordingly, the smaller the number of examples taken for analysis, the stronger the deviations in the calculations.

At the same time, the players have at their disposal not such a large sample, based on which, he can make calculations. It is also worth considering a large number of factors affecting the result. Thus, the theory of probability affects the outcome of a sporting event, but does not allow it to be predicted.

Arb application

The network has another method that is very popular among players — the use of “arbs”. This method involves making multiple bets on one event. At the same time, the calls contradict each other. As a result, one of the predictions is necessarily winning. As the simplest example, we can give two bets on the winner — on an approach to each side.

In this case, the user should make predictions in different bookmakers. Such institutions have a negative attitude towards the use of “arbs,” since this type of betting is considered not entirely transparent. For this reason, some bookmakers may cancel a winning bet made using this method.

It is also worth noting that such a solution requires accurate financial calculation. After all, the profitability of the “arb” is based on the selection of suitable odds. In this case, the player wins on the basis of the difference in these indicators, since each bookmaker determines a different prize percentage. For this reason, the odds on the outcome of one and the same sporting event may differ significantly.

The user needs to make an “arb” in such a way that no matter which forecast turns out to be correct, the call remains profitable. Many players believe that this method is most effective in drawing up a win-win tactics. In this case, opposite rates act as insurance, which will allow you not to go negative. In this case, the “arb” may include a different number of elements.

A double combination is considered a simple and not the most profitable option. It allows you to save the budget, but does not increase it by large amounts. For this reason, experienced users make up complex “arbs,” including 3-4 elements.

Using this method, you can make various bets, for example:

  • on the total number of goals scored;
  • on the author of the first goal;
  • to determine the leader of the standings, etc.

The network also has special programs that help in the compilation of arbs. They are looking at betting portals appropriate odds, which can be associated with each other. Some players use similar support tools to save free time and simplify the task.

Why the use of arbs does not give a 100% guarantee?

Many users find this method a win-win. After all, with proper strategy, the player insures himself against going negative. Therefore, regular use of bets can significantly increase your budget. However, such a method is not without drawbacks.

Even so, the possibility of failure remains. This trend is explained by the following features of “arbitrage” approaches:

  • Problems registering. The user will have to create accounts in a number of betting sites.
  • Large initial investment. Each player page requires a separate account. Moreover, to make a profit the user will have to make large visits. So, bets in small sizes do not allow you to make a profit, but only protect the client from budget loss.
  • The ability to block. Bookmakers carefully monitor users, since the use of “arbs” is considered a serious threat to the establishment, because any portal is interested in maximizing profits. To search for such players even special programs and algorithms are used. If the bookmaker catches a player using “arbs”, his account may be blocked and his account may be frozen. As a result, the client loses the money earned.
  • The probability of a refund. Bookmaker portals reserve the right to return the entry made. This method is often used if bets are suspicious. At the same time, it is useless to challenge such a decision.
  • Difficulties with choosing the right arb. When creating such an algorithm, it is not enough to find a suitable combination of odds. Selected options should also not be too obvious. Otherwise, the principle described in the previous paragraph will work. If too many players make such a call, the shop will simply block the bet and return the transferred money to customers. Therefore, the user will do nothing.

In addition, the use of “arbs” has another drawback, which can be called the main one. It is considered a quick change of odds. The bookmaker can change this indicator at any time. As a result, the created “arb” will lose all attractiveness. Too much variability of the odds is a serious problem, since the whole algorithm is built on this principle.

Dangers of using “arbs”

Despite a number of shortcomings, many players consider the use of “arbs” an excellent option, which allows you to create a perfect strategy. Of course, such arguments do not like the bookmakers. For this reason, most establishments are seriously fighting users using similar tactics. For this purpose, bookmakers apply a number of measures:

  • Tracking customers who go in for broke. Such decisions are considered an indicator of the use of “arbs”.
  • Frequent account replenishment. The average player can use the existing balance for a long time. However, arblifts often have to replenish it every day, since the profitability of tactics and the amount of profit depend on the size of the calls.
  • Expression of interest in unpopular matches. Such excitement around the event often raises the suspicions of the bookmakers, as ordinary users rarely pay attention to them. But arblifts are often attracted by bets on oppositions from the lower division.
  • Creation of an artificial “arb”. The institution may well go for such measures to identify such players. After all, the shop is not too risky, as it can simply block the accounts of such users. For this purpose, a special increase in the odds for a minor sporting event is used.

In addition, bookmakers can use scanners with which the arblifts themselves work. So, the most popular programs include Allbestbets, Surebets and Betspan. This solution allows the shop to find out which of the selected odds fell into the “arb”. Thanks to the information received, the shop can track individual users.

Tips that will be useful to the player in determining bets

There are a number of useful recommendations that will help protect your budget from stupid expenses. They will not be a guarantee of an accurate game, but will increase the chances of success. So, when making a call, the user should consider the following tips:

  • Do not strive to conduct a large number of bets in one day. This approach will not help to recoup if the client feels that luck is not on his side. In this case, it is better to take a short break, which will help to objectively assess the upcoming sporting events.
  • The best option is to use bets of approximately the same size. A sharp increase in the amount due to an attractive ratio is not the most reasonable approach.
  • Expressing is considered a more difficult task. Go to it after receiving enough experience. Otherwise, such a scheme will lead only to unnecessary expenses.
  • It is worth concentrating on one sport and not “spray” on multidirectional events. So, a player cannot understand in several directions equally well. For this reason, you should choose your favorite sport, which is a pleasure to watch.

Players are offered a number of strategies that promise quick and big wins. However, it is important to remember that in reality the embodiment of such ideal schemes is impossible for a number of reasons.

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